We Offers Various Different Types of Inspections for our Clients

  • Initial Contact Attempts

    Our representative from Realty Masters & Associates will make up to 3 attempts to contact the occupant of a property on behalf of the lender/mortgage servicer in an attempt to notify borrowers and/or the occupant of upcoming proceedings and/or specific situations.

  • 2nd Opinion Property Inspections

    Properties currently on the market are inspected by a representative of Realty Masters & Associates and reported back to the owners as to the presence of a real estate sign, working lockbox, overall exterior presence, cleanliness, lawn and snow maintenance, and overall upkeep. These inspections are done randomly and at the request of the owner. Actual current market value and highest / best condition for disposition reports are also available.

  • Violation Inspections and Resolution

    These inspections are completed by a representative of Realty Masters & Associates who is familiar with the day-to-day general building code and enforcement process. We will meet with the inspectors as required and follow-up on necessary actions needed to abate any and all violations for compliance. We have a detailed database in order to contact the appropriate parties quickly to resolve the issue.

  • Initial Contact Attempts

    Our representative from Realty Masters & Associates will make up to 3 attempts to contact the occupant of a property on behalf of the lender/mortgage servicer in an attempt to notify borrowers and/or the occupant of upcoming proceedings and/or specific situations.

  • Exterior
    • Occupancy Status
    • Property Condition and Upkeep
    • Damage to the Property or Unsafe Conditions
    • Broken/Un-secure Windows and Doors
    • Code Violations and HOA Infractions
  • Interior
    • Pest infestation
    • Mold
    • Roof Leaks
    • Property Vandalism and Damage.
    • Unsafe Conditions
    • Water Penetration
    • Utilities
    • Construction Progress and Draw Inspections
    • Lead Inspections and Certification
  • Home Inspections

    We will gladly arrange for a complete property condition report (Home Inspection) for our clients as needed. Well, Septic, Radon and Lead testing is also available by request.